Official These Titties Nonbinary Too Shirt


Official These Titties Nonbinary Too Shirt

The feelings I had after adopting Romy were parental clichés: immediate and overwhelming love paired with nauseating dread that I’d somehow kill him within two hours. Since I was young, I’ve been terrified of being inadequate—in relationships and otherwise. It’s Brené Brown 101: By loving someone imperfectly, it reinforces your anxiety that you’re not worthy of love. So when we first got Romy, if I made a mistake—forgot to feed him or stepped on his paw or whatever—it set off a total shame spiral: “I suck at this! The dog clearly wishes he was still homeless!” Or, worse, my boyfriend became a projection screen for my insecurities: “Admit it, you think I’m a bad dog mom, and that I should be sterilized!” Of course, my narcissistic self-flagellation preexisted Romy, but he fanned the Official These Titties Nonbinary Too Shirt moreover I love this flames. Annoyingly, it seems that every big step in our lives—a relationship, a kid, college, whatever—is just a new stage for our childhood traumas to audition their many talents.

Official These Titties Nonbinary Too Shirt

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